SHOCKING FACTS revealed about Britney Spears downfall in documentary; And how her father proved to be a hero in her life!!

Britney Spears‘s life is full of controversies, which is now documented in her latest documentary, which aired on Sunday night.

The 37-year-old singer has seen many ups and downs in her life, one of which was her famous breakdown in 2007, when she impulsively shaved-off her head.

The documentary revealed the shocking series of events that dragged her to this conclusion. The story unrolled when she ran away from rehab to her then-husband, Kevin Federline’s house to see her son Jayden and Sean.

After getting the red-flag from Federline, late-night she jumped to an open salon in LA where she carried out this atrocious act.

The salon owner Esther Tognozzi opened up about the night when Spears came inside her salon and how paparazzi were following her and flashing cameras outside the salon.

Esther also said getting shocked by Spears’s decisions she tried to talk her out of it but she was adamant to her decision, eventually making her shaved her own hair.

The year 2006-2007 was a worse and traumatized year for the pop singer. Revealed by Spears’s close friend Robert Baker, who also happens to be the Millenial Dance Studio head and knows Britney since 1988.

Baker said when she was going through the rough phase and most needed help, then the person who helped her and took out of the bog was her father.

He supported in her tough times without any hidden intent. That time he came out as a ‘protective’ and ‘loving’ father who wants to protect and save his daughter.

Britney with her father

Baker also said that if her father her saved his life if he would not be there then Britney probably would not have been here today.

Her dad stepped in and gave her the help she needed. If he hadn’t, things could have been very different. I don’t think she would still be with us today.’ Said Robert Baker.

Spears’s documentary also dug other controversies related to her life, and how she rose to stardom and her fight with self.