‘Outbreak Company’ is an anime series that is based on the story of a light novel series written by Ichiro Sakaki. It has a very unique plot that covers various themes like discrimination, social norms, invasion, and also the responsibilities of an Otaku.
The story of ‘Outbreak Company’ revolves around a boy named Shinichi Konu. Who spends plenty of time reading manga comics, watching different shows of anime, and playing video games. He is obsessed with typical Japanese pop culture and dissipates himself according to his comfort zones. He was mainly living at his home. At some moment, he feels as outlived by the social life and determines to change himself by applying for a job available at that period. He thinks he will be able to leave his home and engage himself with his work at the office, separating him from what he was doing earlier.
‘Outbreak Company’ Season 1 released on October 4, 2013, and came to an end on December 20, 2013. The anime was quite loyal to the manga, which clearly suggests that the creators saw potential in the series and the anime was not released for the sole purpose of manga promotion. So it all comes down to the show’s commercial success. Like most anime these days, ‘Outbreak Company’ is decent at best and not an instant classic like ‘One-Punch Man‘ or other really well-known shows.
Outbreak Company centers a young boy named Shinichi Kanou who spends almost all of his time reading manga, watching anime, and completely escaping into the world of gaming. He is what most people would call a typical Otaku, who shuts himself in the confinements of his home and obsesses over the Japanese Pop Culture.
But his lack of a proper social life really bothers him and it reaches a point where he really wishes to break free from the secluded lifestyle that he has been living all this while. This is when he starts applying for jobs in the hope that someone would hire him and he would then have a reason to leave his home every day.
Season 1 of ‘Outbreak Company’ is exclusively available on Crunchyroll, Hulu, and HiDive. It also shows the English subtitles with the Japanese track in the background.