“OTHERHOOD”: Mother is not a simple word but a whole world!!

Director Cindy Chupack’s dramedy featuring Angela Bassett, PetriciaArquette and Felicity Huffman was liked by spectators.

Story-based on neglected mother will find a sweet corner in the viewers’ heart who are actually touched to this story and have seen these situations in their lives.

The Plot of Otherhood:

The drama begins when three ladies, who have known each other for the time since their sons were six years old, are planning to attend their annual Meeting day brunch.

They wanted to know about how sons, now living in New York City and wanted to teach a lesson about the importance of mothers.

Those boys are roughly 27 years old now.

Release date:

This mother’s importance based movie was about to release nearer to Mother’s day, but otherhood was postponed after a piece of viral news about the Huffman bribery scandal for improving her daughter’s SAT score.

Character analysis:

Bassett: Her role is a goody goody character because that changes the most. She talks her way in big business-related parties.

Huffman: this role was the most illogical or absurd. Though aware of her son’s love for boys, she lost her calm after learning he comes out to his father, her ex-husband regarding this matter and not to her.

Arquette: she has the role of a poking, interfering mother.

Otherhood showed a piece of Amazing dialogue delivery: 

Arquette’s speech about motherhood in the brunch is worth listening, and the dialogue” Motherhood. That sinking feeling that, as your child growing up, you are being broken up with on a gradual daily basis” has enough potential to get viral.

Let’s have a sneak peek to the heart touching trailer of “Motherhood” basically described as “Otherhood.”

The trailer of “Otherhood”

Enjoy the lovely drama with an emotional message ” mother is not a simple word but a whole world to her children.