Miss Benny Is a Glamorous Transgender Star: Her Inspiring Journey of Self-Discovery and Success


Miss Benny Is Glamorous Transgender

Introduction: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Growing up in a Conservative Environment

Finding Freedom in Los Angeles

Rejection and Resilience

A Breakthrough Opportunity

The Role of Marco in “Glamorous”

Transitioning On and Off the Screen

Embracing Authenticity

A Private Transition

Opening Up About Her Journey

Creating Representation and Empowering Others

Glamorous and the Importance of LGBTQ+ Visibility

Inspiring Queer Youth and Breaking Barriers

Celebrating the Success and Looking Ahead

Achieving Dreams and Overcoming Fears

Introduction: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Miss Benny, the star of Netflix’s “Glamorous,” recently made a brave and empowering revelation. In a personal essay published in Time magazine, she announced that she is a transgender woman. Benny takes readers on a poignant journey through her upbringing in a conservative Texas household, her pursuit of an acting career in Los Angeles, and the breakthrough opportunity that allowed her to embrace and express her true identity. Let’s delve into her inspiring story and celebrate the power of authenticity, representation, and self-acceptance.

Growing up in a Conservative Environment

Benny’s childhood was marked by the challenges of growing up in a religious Texas household where queerness was not accepted. She shares the feelings of longing and isolation as she prayed every night to wake up as a girl. Living in a community where LGBT topics were unwelcome, she kept her true self hidden and sought an immediate escape.

Finding Freedom in Los Angeles

At the age of 14, Benny moved to Los Angeles in pursuit of her dreams and to establish her own identity. However, she faced years of rejection in the entertainment industry, with auditions deeming it “not the time for someone like her.” Despite the setbacks, Benny remained determined to find success and acceptance, even as she felt compelled to hide certain aspects of herself.

Rejection and Resilience

Benny experienced rejection in auditions and relationships, with her femininity becoming a subject for negotiation. She shares the challenges of having to quiet her true self and make peace with her dreams remaining dreams. The setbacks only fueled her resilience and determination to find a breakthrough opportunity that would embrace her authenticity.

A Breakthrough Opportunity

The Role of Marco in “Glamorous”

Benny’s breakthrough came when she received a call about a show called “Glamorous,” in which the producers had her in mind for a role. The series revolved around a gender-nonconforming queer makeup enthusiast named Marco. Though initially hesitant, Benny embraced the opportunity and pitched the idea of Marco transitioning alongside her, mirroring her own journey as a transgender woman.

Transitioning On and Off the Screen

Benny’s transition became an integral part of her character’s storyline in “Glamorous.” Working closely with the show’s creator, Benny ensured the authenticity of Marco’s identity while portraying her own transition onscreen. The process allowed her to fully embrace her truth, and she describes the profound impact it had on her, comparing it to the sudden opening of breathing airways after a lifetime of feeling stifled.

Embracing Authenticity

A Private Transition

Prior to publicly coming out, Benny had been transitioning in her day-to-day life. While it was a personal journey, she carried the weight of feeling like she had wasted time by not transitioning sooner. However, the process ultimately allowed her to breathe freely and enjoy life the same way as everyone else.

Opening Up About Her Journey

With the upcoming release of “Glamorous” on Netflix, Benny grappled with the vulnerability of publicly coming out as transgender. Nevertheless, she recognized the importance of inclusivity and representation, especially for young queer individuals who may feel othered. Benny aspires to provide a space for others to see transgender individuals thrive and be celebrated, just as she has found her own happiness.

Creating Representation and Empowering Others

Glamorous and the Importance of LGBTQ+ Visibility

“Glamorous” serves as a platform for LGBTQ+ visibility and representation. Benny emphasizes that her character’s trans-ness is not a plot twist but rather a background element of identity. The series explores first love, heartbreak, career success, and failure, highlighting the multidimensional experiences of young queer individuals.

Inspiring Queer Youth and Breaking Barriers

Benny’s journey and her role in “Glamorous” inspire and empower queer youth who may be grappling with their own identities. By sharing her story, she aims to break barriers and redefine societal norms, creating a space where individuals can embrace their true selves without fear or judgment.

Celebrating the Success and Looking Ahead

Achieving Dreams and Overcoming Fears

Benny’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and resilience. She celebrates the success of being cast in “Glamorous” and accomplishing her dreams, despite the fears and obstacles she faced along the way. Benny’s story serves as a beacon of hope for individuals who may be on their own paths of self-discovery and acceptance.


Miss Benny’s courageous decision to come out as a transgender woman showcases the importance of authenticity and representation. Through her role in “Glamorous” and her personal