Magic Johnson Pens Heartwarming Birthday Tribute to Son EJ, Celebrating His Impact on the LGBTQ+ Community

NBA legend Magic Johnson recently took to social media to celebrate his son EJ’s 31st birthday with a touching tribute that highlighted EJ’s pure heart and creativity. Magic, 63, shared two photos, one featuring EJ and another capturing a beautiful family moment with EJ’s mother, Cookie Johnson.

In his heartfelt Instagram post, Magic wrote, “Happy Birthday to my son, EJ. I love your pure heart and creativity! Keep living your truth, it’s what I love about you most! Have a great day!” This display of affection and support from a father to his son touched the hearts of many.

Cookie Johnson, EJ’s mother, also joined in the birthday celebrations with a heartfelt message for her son. She expressed her deep love for EJ and offered prayers for abundant blessings in his 31st year. The loving support of both parents speaks volumes about the close-knit family they share.

EJ Johnson, who came out as gay in 2013, has since become an influential figure in the LGBTQ+ community. In a previous interview with PEOPLE magazine, Magic spoke about EJ’s impact and expressed his pride in his son’s accomplishments. Magic commended EJ for taking charge of his own career, making independent decisions, and using his voice to inspire and help others.

One of EJ’s notable achievements was starring in the reality series “Rich Kids of Beverly Hills” in 2019, which allowed him to connect with a dedicated fan base. Magic expressed his pride in seeing EJ become actively involved in promoting positive messages and using his platform to make a difference.

Magic Johnson acknowledged the profound impact EJ has had on the lives of countless young people struggling with their identities. Many individuals have reached out to EJ seeking advice on coming out to their families, and EJ has been a source of strength and guidance. Magic admired his son’s ability to provide great advice and support to those in need.

EJ Johnson’s journey and his commitment to helping others have solidified his position as an inspiring voice within the LGBTQ+ community. Magic’s immense pride in EJ’s achievements is evident as he recognizes the lives his son has positively influenced, even when it goes unnoticed by the general public.

As we celebrate EJ Johnson’s 31st birthday, it is a reminder of the power of love, acceptance, and the positive impact that supportive families can have on individuals discovering their true selves. EJ’s journey, guided by the love and encouragement of his parents, serves as an inspiration for young people striving to embrace their identities and make a difference in the world.

In a world where acceptance and understanding are crucial, Magic Johnson’s birthday tribute to his son EJ shines a light on the power of unconditional love and the significance of using one’s platform to uplift others.