Kelly Clarkson and Meghan Trainor’s Refreshingly Honest Chat About Women’s Facial Hair Will Surprise You!

Kelly Clarkson and Meghan Trainor Talk About ‘Peach Fuzz’ Facial Hair

Kelly Clarkson and Meghan Trainor have opened up about their struggles with ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair, resulting in a refreshing and honest conversation about a topic that is often considered taboo.

The Honest Conversation

Clarkson showed Trainor’s TikTok video, in which she had shaved the fine hairs on the side of her face, and asked her to explain what she was doing in the video. Trainor jokingly replied, “Oh, I’m shaving my beard, my peach, my fuzzies!” The two shared a laugh about Trainor’s mishap in cutting her face in the clip.

Clarkson then emphasized the importance of talking about women’s facial hair and Trainor agreed, saying, “People don’t talk about this! Let’s talk about it.” The two discussed how women tend to grow ‘peach fuzz’ on their faces as they age, normalizing and lightening the topic as they talked.

Trainor’s Experience

Trainor revealed that she first realized she had facial hair when she filmed the video for her 2014 hit “Lips Are Movin” and they were going to do a close-up of her lips. She was surprised when she noticed the hair on her upper lip and wondered why nobody had told her about it. Since then, Trainor has shaved her face on “big important days” or just before shooting a video.

Clarkson’s Experience

Clarkson touched her own face, noting that she had “peach fuzz” too. “I am a peach right now… and I’m blonde. So then when I go in the sun it looks like I’m a ‘Twilight’ vampire because I glisten. My beard will glisten,” she joked. Clarkson revealed that she doesn’t shave her own face but rather relies on her makeup artist to do it for her.

Trainor’s Body Image Struggles

In addition to peach fuzz, Trainor also shared her frustrations with her body image struggles. More than a year after giving birth to her son Riley in February 2021, Trainor revealed to Parents magazine that she felt frustrated with her body. She said, “A lot of women are out there posting their stretch marks, and they write, ‘I love my tiger stripes, they gave me my boy. I love my baby, but I can’t look at my stretch marks and honestly say, ‘Wow, I love them,’ you know?””

The Candid Conversation

The conversation between the two celebrities shed light on a topic not frequently talked about in society, and it highlighted the importance of accepting the realities of women’s bodies. It’s a conversation that many can relate to but is often kept private.

The Impact of the Conversation

Clarkson and Trainor’s candid conversation about women’s facial hair has made an impact on society. More people are now talking openly and comfortably about it, making women who deal with it feel less alone and more normal.


The conversation about ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair between Kelly Clarkson and Meghan Trainor may seem trivial to some people, but for women who deal with it, it is a significant issue. The conversation showed that it is okay to talk openly and honestly about women’s bodies and their struggles, which is a step in the right direction towards body positivity.


1. What is ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair?

‘Peach fuzz’ facial hair refers to the short, fine hairs that grow on a woman’s face.

2. What causes ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair?

‘Peach fuzz’ facial hair occurs naturally as women age.

3. Is it normal for women to have ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair?

Yes, it is entirely normal for women to have ‘peach fuzz’ on their faces. It is a natural part of aging and affects many women.

4. How can women remove ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair?

Women can remove ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair through various methods, including shaving, waxing, or threading.

5. What are some tips for dealing with ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair?

Some tips for dealing with ‘peach fuzz’ facial hair include embracing your natural appearance, removing the hair with a non-invasive method that feels comfortable, accepting your face regardless of hair, and remembering that many women deal with this issue as they age.