Kate Upton inspires everybody to embrace themselves and be health! Read about her journey to find that out!

Kate Upton, whose full name is Katherine Elizabeth is a 27-year-old model and an actress. She was first seen in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2011 and was then seen in 2012, 2013 and 2017 as the cover model for several issues. She was also the cover model for the 100th anniversary of Vanity Fair.

The 27-year old is married now to Justin Verlander in 2017. The couple has now a 9-month old daughter together. With this new phase of her life, Kate Upton decided to help other women on their health and weight. She decided to go for a Health photoshoot without the pictures getting filtered.

She has collaborated with her trainer, Ben Bruno, to start a campaign, Strong4Me. The campaign will focus on women with any shape, size, and fitness to get stronger.
In an interview, Kate Upton said that retouching is found everywhere now. Every Instagram photo has a retouch or photoshop to it. This makes people think that the retouch is the ideal way to look. Therefore, having a photoshoot that is not retouched is a step towards embracing life as said by the model.

After the birth of her daughter, Upton had a difficult time getting back to her fitness and health. She said, “That was the hardest thing for me—going from being extremely strong to not even really being able to do a lunge.” She says that even after eight months of her delivery, she is not as strong she used to be.

Kate confessed that she had dealt with the issue of body confidence during her career days. Kate says that you were judged according to your measurements. You were fat-shamed for not being able to fit into jeans. But eventually working out and eating healthy, she could block all the negativity.

The campaign started by her is inspiring. We should learn to embrace what is given to us and be comfortable with it.