Joe Baena Left Out by Schwarzenegger’s Kids at Netflix Premiere, Fans Express Disgust

The recent Netflix premiere of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new show, “FUBAR,” unveiled a heartbreaking display of family division. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s lovechild, Joe Baena, was reportedly left out by his half-siblings, sparking disappointment among fans who expressed their disgust. Despite Arnold’s close bond with Joe, the children from his marriage to Maria Shriver seemingly refuse to acknowledge their half-brother, causing a rift within the family.

The Red Carpet Snub:

As Arnold Schwarzenegger posed with his daughters Christina, 31, and Katherine, 33, alongside his son-in-law Chris Pratt, Joe Baena was noticeably absent on the red carpet. While the superstar actor has always treated Joe as one of his own children, the other kids from his marriage to Maria Shriver have seemingly taken out their feelings about the affair that led to Joe’s birth on him. This exclusionary behavior did not go unnoticed, as Joe Baena, a budding bodybuilder like his father, shared a photo from the premiere on social media, expressing pride in his dad.

Fans Express Disgust:

Fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger and supporters of Joe Baena were quick to voice their disappointment and disgust at the mistreatment of the young man. One follower commented on Joe’s social media post, calling the treatment he received from his own blood “disgusting” and speculating whether racial hostility played a role. The follower urged Joe to use the negativity as fuel for his own success. Another fan mentioned how Arnold seemingly loves all his children equally, if not slightly favoring Joe due to their shared passion for bodybuilding.

The Complex Family Dynamics:

The strained relationship between Joe Baena and his half-siblings has been an ongoing issue. While Arnold Schwarzenegger has consistently provided for Joe’s upbringing, including paying for his college education and buying a house for Joe’s mother, Mildred Baena, the children from his marriage to Maria Shriver have struggled to accept their half-brother. However, sources claim that despite the tension, Arnold maintains a strong bond with Joe, often training together in the gym and attending events as a family.

Arnold’s Children and Their Achievements:

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s other children have each carved their own paths and achieved success in their respective fields. Katherine, Christina, Patrick, and Christopher have pursued careers in various industries, ranging from children’s books and charity work to modeling and acting. However, the division among the siblings became highly visible for the first time at the “FUBAR” premiere, where Joe was left out while his half-siblings attended.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Perspective:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who recently divorced Maria Shriver after a challenging separation, has taken responsibility for the failure of their marriage. Despite the split, he maintains a close friendship with Maria and is proud of their joint efforts in raising their children. In interviews, Arnold has emphasized his love and support for all his children, including Joe Baena, and expressed admiration for his girlfriend, Heather Milligan.

The Impact on Joe Baena:

Despite the apparent disregard from his half-siblings, Joe Baena remains positive and grateful for his relationship with his father. He speaks fondly of Arnold’s vulnerable and fatherly side, and the valuable advice he has received, emphasizing the importance of hard work and practice. Joe, who has pursued a career in acting and recently appeared on “Dancing with the Stars,” is determined to forge his own path in the entertainment industry.


The exclusion of Joe Baena by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s children at the Netflix premiere has drawn attention to the complex dynamics within the family. While Arnold maintains a strong bond with Joe, the other siblings continue to distance themselves, seemingly harboring resentment related to the affair that led to Joe’s birth. Fans express disappointment and disgust at the treatment Joe has endured, recognizing Arnold’s efforts to treat all his children equally. The divide among the siblings serves as a reminder of the complexities that can arise within blended families, even in the spotlight.