How To Get Away With Murder’ Season 6 Episode 13 [exclusive update]: the fans are pretty much shocked about the arrival of Frank! Read for more details here.

Episode 13 ‘What If Sam Wasn’t the Bad Guy This Whole Time?’ dropped the biggest surprise of the season, or if we can say, of the entire series of How to get away with Murder.

It reveals that Frank Delfino (Charlie Weber) is Sam Keating’s (Tom Verica) son from his incest with his sister, Hannah Keating (Marcia Gay Harden). The news has shocked the entire audience, and no one is able to get their head around the fact.

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The courtroom isn't ready. #HTGAWM continues with the final two episodes Thursday.

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A surprised fan on twitter posted that “Shocked. Speechless. Sickening. Crazy Astonished #HTGAWM,” posted a disturbing fan on Twitter. Moreover, some of the fans were so surprised and concerned that they even called out the showrunners regarding the drastic twist in the plot. They felt that the story has suddenly turned so shocking. 

A fan on Twitter tagged the show’s producer, Shonda Rhimes, and asked what is going on in the show. Fans are wondering about how did the writers of the show come up with such a plot. 

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They always have each other. #HTGAWM

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The story took a completely different track from what the fans expected. The viewers thought that there would be a very incestuous relationship between Sam and Hannah at the very first instance of Annalise and Hannah’s animosity. In Season 12 Episode 12, during Annalise dealt with Sam’s death and she was on trial for being the culprit of his murderer, you must have remembered that she told Hannah that Incest is best, and suggested to put her brother to the test.

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You better believe it. The final episodes of #HTGAWM continue Thursday at 10|9c.

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So let’s be patient and watch what is going to happen next in the upcoming episodes of How to get away with Murder. And stay tuned to our page for further updates regarding the show.