Goblin Slayer is a Japanese anime television series based on Light novel penned by Kumo Kagyu and narrated by Noboru Kannatsuki. Recently, a movie Slayer Goblin: Goblin’s Crown was aired on February 1, 2020, Season 1 of the series was not impressive as it was not up to the mark. So, viewers are hoping that season 2 will be better than the first season.
When we can expect Goblin Slayer 2.
Goblin Slayer 2 is expected to release in late 2020, i.e., around November and December of this year. However, the release date may get postponed due to seeing the present scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic. But no official announcement has come yet regarding the delay.
We expect that the Goblin Slayer 2 will be released as per schedule. The original series, Goblin Slayer, was broadcasted between October 7 to December 30, 2018, on white Fox. So after two years, it is expected that you will again get to watch the arguable dark fiction this year.
Plot and Spoiler of Goblin Slayer 2.
If you are curious to know what will happen in season 2, you can just read the light novel. This season is assumed to include the Dark Elf, who will be the primary opponent in Goblin Slayer 2. So Dark Elf will be seen as opposite to Goblin Slayer. Those who have already read the anime novel can interpret the story of season 2.
The festival arc will be a focal point of next season. So relax and wait for further information related to series.
Who will be seen in Goblin Slayer 2?
- The main character, Yuchiro Umehara, will be seen as Goblin Slayer like before.
- The famous Guild Girl Yui Ogura will be introduced as Priestess.
- Yuka Iguchi will play cowgirl’s role.
- High Elf archer as Nao Toyama.
Some new characters will be added, but no announcement has been made yet.