Westworld is an American science fiction series created by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. It is based on the 1973 movie of the same name and the film’s 1976 sequel ‘Futureworld’ the story revolves around a wild-west themed amusement park called ‘Westworld’.
Season one was titled ‘The Maze’ and was premiered in October 2016 in North America and Australia and in October 2016 in the UK and Ireland as a 10 episodic series. Season two titled ‘The Door’ was again a 10 episodic series that released in April 2018.
HBO announces that the sci-fi drama is returned to the TV screens this year. the show will be premiered on March 15 2020. It will have Thandie Newton as Maeve, Evan Rachel Wood as Dolores, Jeffrey Wright as Bernard, Tessa Thompson as Charlotte Hale and Ed Harris as the Man in Black.
Though the premiere date has been announced the twists and turns the characters will take in the next season is still unknown.
HBO has released the new trailer, which shows some of those events which appear to take place around the year 2058 and no single character or setting from previous seasons is involved. Viewers will be introduced to Liam Dempsey Sr. who fronts an infomercial for a company called ‘Incite’.
Along with the trailer a poster has also been released showing a Despairing, stripped-down automaton having a caption, “Free will is not free.”
when we talk about season two, it was nowhere mysterious when compared to the first one, but it was still one of the best critically acclaimed shows. With that, the excitement level for the third season is increasing. the third season is expected to be mainly set in the real world- outside the West-Wild Amusement park.