Eternals debuts in 2020: Kit Harington Reveals Why He’s Super Excited Yet Terrified to Join Marvel!!

Fans are as yet humming over the news that Game of Thrones star Kit Harington is joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will make a big appearance as Dane Whitman AKA the Black Knight in one year from now’s The Eternals.

Kit Harington: Black Knight of the Eternals!

What’s more, given the response that individuals had to the last period of the HBO dream arrangement, the on-screen character comprehends that there are plenty of desires riding on him. Be that as it may, that doesn’t mean he’s avoiding the obligation — he’s mindful that the Marvel fans are similarly as frenzied as the Game of Thrones fans.

Harington, best known for playing Jon Snow on the show, would pursue his individual “Round of Thrones” co-star Ricard Madden into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Enrage will play Icarus inverse Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, and Kumail Nanjiani in “The Eternals,” which spotlights on an antiquated transformative branch of humankind whose long lives and brilliant experiences propelled legends and fantasies over centuries.

While talking at ACE Comic Con in Chicago this end of the week, Harington tended to why he’s both energized and alarmed of joining the Marvel Studios family.

“Many individuals who go into something like the MCU, they haven’t had an understanding of, possibly, an establishment that huge,” Harington characterized. “I’ve lived with Thrones for a long time, I’ve distinguished a mammoth establishment and one thing that is made a world and it has a huge fan base. So for each reason, I’m energized and alarmed.

I do know the responsibility of on-screen characters who arrived into Thrones understanding that they are appreciating a cherished character and that they’d respond to devotees and to people to accomplish one thing with that character. What’s more, for me, this new universe, I’m prepared because I’ve been a piece of a universe… anyway, I even have been a piece of a universe, so I’m alarmed.”

Coming here, I can see exactly how enthusiastic individuals are about this world,” the entertainer proceeded. “This is the first occasion when I’ve met individuals on that level about Marvel and I’m simply excited. It’s a totally different part and an entirely different character to begin considering. Without saying a lot by any stretch of the imagination, superficially, [Black Knight] can look like Jon Snow in the funnies however there is, in reality, a ton to be done that is extraordinary.”

He moreover provided one other bother, presumably uncovering that his character will unquestionably form into the Black Knight inside the film.

“Presently I’m going with a Marvel motion picture. I’m proceeding to play a hero, which is cool. I don’t have the foggiest idea what I can say about it, I’m frightened to kind of even notice it,” Harington said. “I’m attempting to pick things as far away from Jon Snow as would be prudent, however, I’m playing a hero and he has a sword.”

Eternals debuts in theaters on November 6, 2020.