Good girls is an American crime comedy drama television series created by Jean Bans, that entertains us at Netflix. It is aired on NBC and Netflix.
Season 3 release date
Although the show has received average ratings, it is returning for a third run. Good girls season 3 will premiere on the 16th of Feb 2020 on NBC. The show will consist of 16 episodes and will end on May 31, 2020. However it will premiere late on Netflix after December 2020 or January 2021.
The cast of the main 3 characters Beth, Rubie and Annie are sure to return in their Hendricks, Retta, and Mae Whitman respectively. However a cliffhanger pointed out that Manny Montana’s Rio is dead. So their is a lack of certainty whether he would return or not.
Good Girls season 3 plot
We have seen in the previous seasons that Ruby’s relationship with her husband is turning out bad. Do to this she is not interested in continuing her work.
Beth will have to face hardships in order to convince the other 2 people who are confused to connect crime and their friendship.
A new good girl will be joining the crew. Charlyne Yi who is an excellent graphic designer is going to help the girls get some more cash. But as Joker said,”If you are good at something, never do it for free.” Will Charlyne charge a price for her skills. Or will it be complete opposite. Will Charlyne be more of a trouble for them. We have to stay tuned to see what happens with her.
We have seen that Beth has shot many bullets in Rio. Later agent Turner had signed a deal with Rio which was almost gone. But he agreed to call 911 only on the account that he had an agreement with Rio. Will he make it alive. Will he be loyal to the FBI and take down Beth.
Only time will tell what happens next in the story. Till then stay tuned.