“Colorado Investigation,” a plot for the New Netflix series “UNBELIEVABLE.”


 The 2011 rape cases solved by the detectives are now going to be a plot for the new Netflix series “unbelievable.” The two Colorado detectives solve the case in such a way that the Netflix is now convinced enough to make a dramatic documentary on the same. The two detectives were Stacy Galbraith and Edna Hendershot. They are the ones who took the lead for the four rape cases in between the years 2010 and 2011 in Aurora, Lakewood, Golden, and Westminster. They did an excellent job in finding out the one who committed such heinous offenses on girls and were against the moral ethics of the society. They set up an example that whomever you are wherever you are if you are guilty, you will be found.

The Former Golden Police Detective Galbraith said that if they had not solved the case the way they did at that time, there would have been more such rape case reports or more who would be the victims of the offenders. Galbraith told further that the case of the girl looked interesting for her to solve as the victim described the incidents with such close details. The victim told the Police about the event. She said that a man broke into her apartment, assaulted her while she was asleep and took photos of her and made her shower before he left. When she got home, she told her husband who was also in Police about the incident, and he told her to get into contact with his station as there were two more cases with the matching descriptions. That is when she teamed up with Edna and worked the case up with her. With the help of 100 officers from 6 different agencies, the culprit, Marc O’Leary was arrested and found guilty. It came up that he used to watch his victims without them knowing about it, and it sounded creepy. The camera he used to take pictures of the girls was found in his home.