One-Punch Man is a Japanese superhero anime created by The Artist One. It is influenced by Manga by Yusuke Murata. The series focuses on Saitama, the superhero who has the power to defeat any opponent with a single punch. He later gets bored by the lack of challenges and seeks to find an opponent worth fighting.
Recently the official handle of One Punch Man took to Twitter with a post that showed that the third season is in the making. No official date has been known for the upcoming season’s release, but it is expected to get released in late 2020 or early 2021.
The debut season was released in 2015, and it received tremendous response from the audience and the critics, major reason being its storyline and graphics. The second season for the show was released in 2019, but it couldn’t match the same wavelength as the first season. The show got criticized for its bad graphics and storyline. Despite this, the show got renewed for the third season.
Regarding the plot of the upcoming season, there has been no official declaration, but the show might focus more on Garou along with some limiters and suppliers to the facility of Saitama. One thing that can be said without any second thought is that the third season will be better than the second season and will be a complete package of action and humor.
Another good news for the fans of One Punch Man is that the man behind the successful season one- Natsume will be back again with his entire team for the upcoming season. We hope that we’ll soon get to see Saitama in action.
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