‘13 Reasons Why’ is a teen web series premiered on Netflix. The story of this series revolves around a 17 year old boy named Clay Jensen. Clay, two weeks after the death of his close friend Hannah Baker found a box full of 13 audio tapes. The tapes consist of the reasons due to which she commits suicide. After listening to all the tapes, he got to know that she was forced to take her life because of bullying and sexual harassment.
This series received positive response from critics as well as from the viewers. Netflix has already launched its 3 seasons. Now, people are waiting for the next season.
When Season 4 is going to be released?
On August 1, 2019 Netflix disclosed that there will be Season 4 of 13 Reasons Why. However, no official confirmation for the date has been given. We cannot make a wild guess since there is an uneven pattern for the release of previous seasons.
But here’s a sad news for the fans…
Season 4 gonna be the final and the last season of this web series as claimed by the makers. They told that the season would end where all the teenagers will be seen graduating.
Cast and Characters
Almost the same characters from the previous seasons will be seen. Dylan Minnette as Clay Jensen, Christian Navarro as Tony Padilla, Alisha Boe as Jessica, Brandon Flynn as Justin Foley, Miles Heizer as Alex Standall, Ross Butler as Zach, Devin Druid as Tyler Down, etc will return in Season 4. There are chances that Katherine will also be seen in some flashback scenes.
What can be the plot of the next season?
Season 4 will also have 13 episodes like other seasons. Still answers of many questions are yet to be revealed. At the end of Season 3, a fisherman was introduced who found a bag of rifles. What would happen next? Also, Winston charged Monty for the murder and saved Alex who actually killed Bryce. How long this secret will be kept from others?
All these questions will be answered in the next and the final season.