Ric Flair On If He Sees Daniel Bryan Staying With WWE!!! Find out here!!!

Ric Flair talked on an uncommon scene of the My World Podcast with Conrad Thompson about current issues in WWE.

Energy talked about Daniel Bryan’s agreement as of late expressing after his match against Roman Reigns on SmackDown half a month back where he was prohibited from SmackDown. It was as of late revealed that WWE was intensely attempting to convince Bryan to leave with the organization. The 16x World Champion said he accepts that Bryan will stay with WWE.

Ric Flair On If He Sees Daniel Bryan Staying With WWE!!! Find out here!!!

“He doesn’t have a choice, he will return home with Brie [Bella],” Flair said. “He’s probably the most pleasant child I’ve at any point met in the business and he wouldn’t leave the WWE. I would have an exceptionally troublesome time accepting he would leave the WWE, on the off chance that he does, I’d be extremely shocked. That entire family, everyone’s attached to the WWE.

“I was under the impression he needed to return home and invest more energy with the children. I don’t have a clue what he will do, whatever he does I wish him only the best. He’s an incredible laborer and simply being straightforward with you, I didn’t imagine that at his size he could have an effect, however, he has. Notwithstanding his size, he is actually quite a hand.”

Another ability leaving the organization was in-ring grappler and observer Samoa Joe, who went through more than five years with the organization. Energy conceded that he was curious about Joe’s circumstance.

“I don’t think enough about that to try and give you a keen remark,” Flair said. “I didn’t have the foggiest idea, would he say he is harmed? I don’t have the foggiest idea why he left or even why they gave him his delivery right?”

Ric Flair On If He Sees Daniel Bryan Staying With WWE!!! Find out here!!!

It was likewise announced that John Laurinaitis has returned as the Senior Director of Talent Relations for WWE after the terminating of Mark Carrano. Energy talked about Johnny Ace, saying he’s glad that he landed the position and realizes how troublesome it is.