Man Who Fatally Beat ‘Law & Order’ Actress, Janis Dardaris’s Dog Gets Probation, No Jail Time!

A “Law and Order” entertainer is offended by the one who beat her Maltese pooches so brutally that one of them passed on will not go through a solitary day in prison for his wrongdoing. Vincent Tang showed up distantly Friday in Manhattan Supreme Court, where he was given over the guaranteed token punishment of five years’ probation subsequent to consenting to psychological well-being guiding, a 10-year ban on animal ownership, and registration on the city’s animal maltreatment vault for beating the pooches having a place with Janis Dardaris, who has shown up in everything from “Law and Order” and HBO’s “The Sopranos” to the film “The Sixth Sense.”

The Actress is Unhappy With The Court’s Sentence

“I’m past disillusioned at the choice to sentence Mr. Tang to just probation,” Dardaris told The Post in an explanation. “I don’t see how somebody who submitted such pitiless and rough demonstrations against two little dogs would not need to confront more genuine outcomes. Mr. Tang has caused me such a lot of torment. I live with the results of his activities consistently.” Tang recently copped to two counts of aggravated cruelty to animals for the stunning killing of Dardaris’ adored puppy Alex, 11, and the close lethal beating of pooch Frankie, 12. “This has been an emotional well-being issue since the very first moment,” guard lawyer Jason Goldman told The Post.

Man Who Fatally Beat ‘Law & Order’ actress, Janis Dardaris's Dog Gets Probation, No Jail Time!

“We’re grateful that the court, in contrast to the public authority, concurred that progressing treatment is a preferable answer for him over sitting in a prison cell,” the lawyer said, alluding to the arrangement the adjudicator offered Tang over the prosecutor’s protests. Dardaris had depended on her pooches to the consideration of a canine sitter, who was Tang’s then-sweetheart, in the fall of 2019 while she acted in a play in South Carolina, she recently told The Post. Tang snuck into his better half’s loft when she wasn’t home and violently tortured Dardaris’ white-furred associates on Oct. 24, 2019. After lethally beating Alex, Tang was blamed for taking Frankie to the structure’s rooftop and punching, tossing, and kicking him. The upsetting attack was caught on record by a frightened neighbor, as indicated by the criminal protest.

Man Who Fatally Beat ‘Law & Order’ actress, Janis Dardaris's Dog Gets Probation, No Jail Time!

Police appeared at the condo and surged the harmed pooch to an animal emergency clinic with head wounds, two broke ribs, and a for-all-time harmed left eye, court papers assert. Alex wasn’t as fortunate. He passed on of awful mind injury subsequent to supporting different skull breaks, the criminal grievance states. Whenever indicted at preliminary, Tang looked as long as two years in jail. Dardaris’ lawyer, Robert Cannata, recorded a suit against Tang for purposeful punishment of enthusiastic pain and trespass. The public case is as yet forthcoming.

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