“Yuri!!! On Ice” is a Japanese sports anime television series. It revolves around figure skating. It is the original anime series which was directed by Sayo Yamamoto and Jun Shishido. Sayo Yamamoto also wrote the plot of the anime series along with Mitsuro Kubo. Originally, the anime series was released on 6th of October, 2016.
Apparently, “Yuri on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence” was plot to release in 2019. But, even after two years there is no sign of release of the project. Sayo Yamamoto will be both director and writer of the movie. If we look for official announcement of the movie then the project is waiting since 2017. Officially the movie was announced on 29th of April, 2017. The tittle of the movie was announced on 1st of July, 2018 which is almost a year after the announcement of the movie.
【Regarding the Production Status of "YURI!!! on ICE the movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE"】 pic.twitter.com/i5GiLeTLdO
— TVアニメ「ユーリ!!! on ICE」 (@yurionice_PR) November 26, 2020
The production house and studio although apologized the fans of the anime world. They asked for a mutual understanding and little patience. According to above official tweet we now have a little hope that we may be able to see the movie in late 2021.
What is current status of “Yuri on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence”?
The trailer of the movie was dropped out on 26th of November, 2020. Probably, the movie will drop out in 2021 in only. The production has already began the animation work. However, what we are assuming is that the movie may not drop out before 2021 winter.
What can be the expected plot of the movie?
Unfortunately, there is nothing about the plot yet. We are still without a single clue of what will be the plot of the movie. We hope that officials may release some clues about it.