In light of a manga series of a similar name by Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui and illustrated by Ajichika, ‘Record of Ragnarok’ or ‘Shuumatsu no Walküre’ is a tournament-style action ONA. The story spins around a grand competition in which 13 champions from human history fight to the death in one-on-one matches against 13 gods having a place with different pantheons. The gathering that scores 7 successes the soonest will be pronounced the winners. In the event that the gods win, humanity will be eradicated, however, they will be left alone for the following 1000 years if humanity wins.
‘Record of Ragnarok’ is a first-class manga series with in excess of 6 million copies sold as of mid-2021. Accordingly, it wouldn’t have been long until it went through an anime adaptation. In December 2020, Warner Bros. Japan uncovered that an anime enlivened by Umemura, Fukui, and Ajichika’s work was in production. On the off chance that you are considering what is coming up for you in ‘Record of Ragnarok’ season 1, here is the thing that we know.
Record of Ragnarok Season 1 Release Date
‘Record of Ragnarok’ season 1 is set to premiere on June 17, 2021, on Netflix. Studio Graphinica fostered the series with Masao Ookubo helming the executive group and Kazuyuki Fudeyasu driving the writing staff. Yasuharu Takanashi gave the music, and Masaki Satou and Shigeo Akahori planned the characters dependent on Ajichika’s unique works. Maximum the Hormone sang the opening theme track, “Kamigami,” while SymaG sang the ending theme track, “Fukahi.”
Record of Ragnarok Season 1 Plot: What Can It Be About?
In the event that the ONA follows the reason of the manga series, it may portray that the gods of various pantheons meet each other once like clockwork to vote on the destiny of humanity. This has continued for 7 million years. Nonetheless, disappointed with human conduct, the gods may consistently choose to clear them out totally from the world. This is the point at which the oldest of 13 Valkyries, Brunhilde, will probably make some noise and propose another option. She may recommend that the gods test the will, strength, and boldness of humanity by fighting against them in the skirmishes of Ragnarok.
【Breaking News】#RecordofRagnarok is coming to #Netflix globally on June 17th💥
Get hyped the sick KV and brand-new trailer from below link‼— Record of Ragnarok Official (@ror_anime) May 25, 2021
The lethal fights may happen in the Valhalla Arena, which will probably change shapes as the tournament advances. To even out the field between the gods and humans, Brunhilde may persuade her sisters to get their spirits together with the human fighters. The cycle, known as Volund, transforms the Valkyries into divine weapons. The principal match will probably be between Thor, the Norse God of thunder, and Lu Bu, the amazing Chinese general who was dynamic during the late Eastern Han administration. The Valkyrie Randgriz may transform into Lu Bu’s Volund and change into a Chinese halberd with the goal that the human champion can refute the force of Thor’s Mjolnir.
The subsequent match will probably be between Zeus, the King of the antiquated Greek pantheon, and the Biblical Adam. The Valkyrie Reginleif may fill in as Adam’s Volund, transforming into a knuckleduster. The third match may occur between Kojirou Sasaki, the acclaimed Japanese fighter from the Azuchi–Momoyama and early Edo periods, and Poseidon of the Greek pantheon. In match 4, Heracles of the Greek pantheon will probably address the gods against Jack the Ripper, the notorious chronic executioner from Victorian London. Shiva, the Hindu God of Destruction, may fight the unbelievable Sumo grappler Raiden Tameemon in match 5.
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