Diabolik Lovers is a Japanese visual novel franchise. Reject is developing this franchise since 8 years. Zexcs studio handles the production of the franchise. Risako Yoshida was the producer of the anime series. Hiroko Kanasugi wrote the plot of the anime series. Mayumi Ichikawa, Kumi Totsuka and Kenji Ebato produced the series.
Is there any clue about the synopsis of season 3 of “Diabolik Lovers”?
If we observe the plot of previous seasons it is clear that the creators followed story of first few games. So if we consider this fact then maybe creators might pick the plot for 3rd season from 6th game. The tittle of 6th game is “Diabolik Lovers: Lost Eden”. However sources says that creators may follow plot of manga called “Lost Eden”.
Will creators give Green Flag to season 3 of “Diabolik Lovers”?
As we all know that this series is an adaptation of a video game therefore creators don’t care about the viewership of the show. In fact, the creators don’t even care about the rating of the series. Even after low ratings of season 1, creators gave season 2 to its limited number of viewers. Thus, until there are more games releasing, we sort of expect creators to release season 3 of the show.
However, there is no official announcement of the release date. Neither, the confirmation of season 3 is out yet. So we have no other way than just waiting for it. Certainly, the creators release the game in every two years. Lately, they released latest game in 2019. Along with the launching of game, the creators also announce the renewal of the series. This is the general pattern of renewal by creators is observed.
Therefore, we hope that season 3 may drop out in 2021.