Lizzo and Myke Wright Relationship Timeline: A Love Story Filled with Surprises and Unbreakable Connection

Lizzo and Myke Wright Relationship Timeline

Lizzo and Myke Wright Relationship Timeline

Lizzo and Myke Wright’s love story has captured the hearts of fans around the world. From their first meeting to their official debut as a couple, their relationship has blossomed over time. In this article, we will take you through the timeline of Lizzo and Myke Wright’s journey, showcasing the milestones and moments that have defined their love. So, let’s dive into their heartwarming story!

1. A Serendipitous Meeting at MTV’s Wonderland

Lizzo and Myke Wright’s paths crossed for the first time in 2016 when they co-hosted the MTV show Wonderland together. Little did they know that this meeting would be the starting point of something special.

2. Timing Isn’t Always Right

Despite feeling a connection during Wonderland, Lizzo and Wright moved on with their lives as their individual careers took precedence. Lizzo admitted that she wasn’t in the right place for a relationship at the time, but fate had something else in store for them.

3. The Reunion “When the Time Was Right”

Years later, Lizzo and Wright found themselves on the same path once again. Their reunion came “when the time was right,” and they decided to give their relationship another chance. This marked a turning point in their journey.

3.1 The Official Commitment

Lizzo and Wright had a defining moment in their relationship when they made it official. They had the much-talked-about “talk” where they acknowledged their love and commitment to each other, taking their bond to the next level.

4. Love, Laughter, and Looking Ahead

Lizzo and Wright’s relationship is filled with love and laughter. They openly express their affection for each other and have a shared vision of their future together. Their commitment is deep, and they have left behind any doubts or games.

4.1 A Strong Partnership

Lizzo and Wright understand the importance of building a strong partnership. They support each other’s dreams and ambitions, making their relationship a source of strength and inspiration.

5. A Business and Personal Union

Lizzo sees marriage as not only a personal commitment but also a smart business move. She believes that marriage brings financial stability and facilitates the merging of finances, which is important to her and her future plans with Wright.

5.1 Rethinking the Notion of Completeness

Lizzo challenges the traditional idea of finding someone to complete her. Instead, she views a relationship as a coming together of two complete individuals who support and enhance each other’s lives.

6. Lizzo’s Clear Message: Committed to Myke Wright

Lizzo stands firm when it comes to her relationship with Myke Wright. She has stated unequivocally that she is deeply in love with him and has no interest in pursuing other romantic avenues.


Lizzo and Myke Wright’s relationship timeline is a testament to love, growth, and the power of timing. From their initial encounter to their official commitment, they have shown that a strong partnership can flourish when the time is right. Lizzo’s perspective on love and marriage challenges conventional norms and highlights the importance of mutual support and independence within a relationship. Their love story is a source of inspiration, reminding us that true love knows no bounds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: When did Lizzo and Myke Wright first meet?

Lizzo and Myke Wright first met in 2016 while co-hosting the MTV show Wonderland.

Q2: Did Lizzo and Wright have a breakup before reuniting?

Lizzo and Wright moved on after their initial meeting, but they reunited when the time was right.

Q3: When did Lizzo and Wright make their relationship official?

Lizzo and Wright made their relationship official during a heartfelt conversation where they acknowledged their love and commitment to each other.

Q4: What is Lizzo’s view on marriage?

Lizzo sees marriage as not only a personal commitment but also a smart business move that brings financial stability and merges finances.

Q5: How does Lizzo redefine the idea of completeness in a relationship?

Lizzo believes that a healthy relationship is built on two complete individuals coming together and enhancing each other’s lives, rather than relying on someone to complete them.