The show, Mrs. America is an American drama miniseries that deals with the political movement to sanction the Equal Rights Amendment. The original release of the series was on May 27, 2020. The show ended on a note that many acclaims to not be the right way in which it should have ended, while others take it as a drama series and are unaffected by the differences that it shows from the real story. The end of the series was with the efforts of the National Advisory Committee for Women arranging a meeting with the President, that got called off as the organizers thought their complaint wasn’t taken any seriously.
What was the problem with that ending?
As the women organizers thought their complaint wasn’t taken any seriously, they canceled the meeting and rescheduled it for another day when they could get a good amount of time to discuss their problems with the president the reason why this ending was controversial because then ending was different from what happened in real life as the meeting was eventually held, although for 15 minutes in total, as proposed to the women committee.
Other problems with the ending
the gala organized in the show had a good resemblance to the past. the show premiered a show of 1200 participants, added on, the show got disrupted by a bomb blast which couldn’t let the show happen, while the reality check of the same is not done yet.
The meeting between the campaigners Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, who approached Schlafly for campaigning fro Regan got intruded in between. Real-life evidence hasn’t confirmed the same to have happened in reality.
Factual clashes concerning Schlafly have been mismatched with the show as well. She desired to seek a position as the cabinet secretary of education or to become a senior member in the defense department. However, in the show, she was seen thriving for a post as the UN ambassador in addition to her desire to campaign to get a safe space in the president’s office, which is all contradictory to the real-life scenarios.
So is the entire show factually incorrect?
The show has been capable of showing the incidences that led to a change correctly with light discrepancies in the events that led to the same. The entire plot is based on a true story however, slight differences in the way the women in the show reacted to certain things.