Designated Survivor is a political thriller drama series created by David Guggenheim. The first two seasons of the show aired on ABC while the third season will be exclusively premiered on Netflix.
The show focuses on the lower-level cabinet member Tom Kirkman, who never imagined that his life would ever change after the attack that took place in the State of the Union address. Afterwards, Tom gets promoted to a high-level post, which puts a responsibility on him to save the entire world.
As of now, the bad news is making the rounds that say that Netflix has decided to cancel the release of the fourth season of Designated Survivor. But don’t be sad, Netflix might renew the series in the near future.
The reason behind the cancellation was due to the increasing popularity of other series.
The cast for the fourth season will include Kaifer Sutherland, Anthony Edwards, Italia Ricci, Benjamin Charles Watson, Jamie Clayton.
The third season of the show showed the working of Tom and his team to divert a Russian Bomber who is in a plan of jeopardizing the American air space. Tom is seen communicating with his psychologist about the current dilemma he is undergoing of whether he should leak the confidential audio clip or not. Moss’ involvement in the terrorism plot has been revealed.
Moreover, Agent Wells discovers that the findings at the bomb site are false with the intention to deceive the FBI. It left the viewers with many unanswered questions.
As per style sources, one of the characters of the show said that the show will return with a fourth season. Adding to that it was told that the fans will have to wait a little more as no such announcement has been made as of now.
So we hope for early renewal of the fourth season.
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