Shingeki no Kyojin, a.k.a. Attack on Titan Anime is known for its unique storyline. It’s Mankind Vs. Deadly monsters who have an appetite for humans. The story has Eren Jaeger, his sister Mikasa and their friend Armin. The trio’s life turns upside down when they are encountered by a Gigantic Titan. The entire event leads to a number of mishaps- their motherland turns into debris, and they lose their mother. The Fuego of vengeance is ignited in their souls, and they decide to take back their city from the vicious Titans. Hence, the trio joins the force to fight the Titans.
What’s the Brouhaha all about?
What’s the buzz all about relating to Attack on Titan? Well, the series first surfaced back in 2013, and people have been obsessed with it ever since. The Japanese anime series has a great plot and some really great characters. The female characters are not basic ones- they are intense, thoughtful, and profound. The series keeps you hooked to it. It will have you engrossed. Attack on Titan has very engaging content that appeals to the audience.
In Season 1, the bearded Titan swallows Eren. Inside the gigantic Titan’s tummy, Eren finds the bodies of numerous victims. Eren’s fury on seeing the sight bursts him out of the Titan’s tummy. Followed by this, Eren goes rioting against the other Titans to seek revenge.
In Season 2, Eren & Co. swear to erase Titans’ existence, and Eren fights the female Titan.
Season 3 is dark, packed with more fights, more intense scenes.
Is Season 4 going to be the end game for this series?
Yes, you heard it right. Season 4 will be the end of the story of the epic trio and will be released in 2020. It is predicted to have 2 blocks with 12-14 episodes in each.
The entire fandom has begun the countdown, another feather in the cap!