We Are Charleston Authors to Deliver Inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address on Jan. 9!



We Are Charleston Authors to Offer Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address on Jan. 9

We are excited to announce that the esteemed authors of “We Are Charleston: Tragedy and Triumph at Mother Emanuel” will be delivering a special commemorative address in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. The event, scheduled for January 9th, promises to be a powerful and thought-provoking tribute to the legacy of Dr. King.

1. Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.: A Timeless Inspiration

At the heart of this event lies the profound influence of Martin Luther King Jr. and his enduring impact on civil rights, social justice, and equality. As we reflect on his life and teachings, we are reminded of the importance of carrying his message forward.

2. The Authors of “We Are Charleston”

The authors of “We Are Charleston,” a compelling book that chronicles the events surrounding the tragic shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, have been chosen to deliver the commemorative address. Their unique perspective and insights add depth and relevance to the occasion.

3. Honoring the Victims of Mother Emanuel

The commemorative address will also pay homage to the victims of the Mother Emanuel shooting. It will serve as a reminder that even in the face of tragedy, the spirit of resilience and unity can prevail.

4. The Significance of Mother Emanuel AME Church

Mother Emanuel AME Church holds great historical and cultural significance. As the oldest African Methodist Episcopal church in the South, it has been a symbol of hope, community, and faith for generations. The commemorative address will explore the role of the church in the fight for justice and equality.

5. Reflecting on “We Are Charleston”

The authors will share personal stories and reflections from their book, “We Are Charleston,” which focuses on forgiveness, healing, and the power of unity. Through their words, they hope to inspire individuals to address systemic racism and work towards a more inclusive society.

6. Gaining Insights from Martin Luther King Jr.’s Teachings

The commemorative address will delve into the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr., exploring themes of love, justice, and nonviolent activism. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain insights that can be applied in their own lives and communities.

7. Inspiring Change and Social Progress

The ultimate goal of the commemorative address is to inspire individuals to take action and effect positive change in their communities. By following in the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr., we can continue his legacy and work towards a more just and equitable society.

8. Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

The event serves as a celebration of diversity and inclusion, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing the contributions of individuals from all walks of life. It encourages dialogue and understanding among diverse communities.

9. Mark Your Calendars: Event Details

Date:January 9
Time:6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location:Charleston Community Center

10. Join Us for an Evening of Inspiration

We invite all members of the community to join us for this special evening of inspiration, reflection, and celebration. Together, let us honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and strive for a more equitable and inclusive society.


The Martin Luther King Jr. commemorative address, delivered by the authors of “We Are Charleston,” is a powerful testament to the impact of Dr. King’s teachings and the resilience of communities in the face of adversity. It serves as a call to action for individuals to continue the fight for justice and equality. By attending this event, we can honor Dr. King’s legacy and inspire positive change in our own lives and communities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I RSVP for the Martin Luther King Jr. commemorative address?

To RSVP for the event, please visit our website at www.wearecharleston.com/events and fill out the registration form. Alternatively, you can call our office at 123-456-7890 to confirm your attendance.

2. Is there a limit to the number of attendees for the event?

While there is no specific limit, we encourage individuals to RSVP early as seating may be limited. We want to ensure that everyone has a comfortable and meaningful experience during the commemorative address.

3. Can I bring my children to the event?

Yes, the event is open to individuals of all ages. We believe that it is important to involve younger generations in discussions about equality and social progress. However, we kindly request that parents/guardians ensure their children maintain respectful behavior throughout the event.

4. Will there be opportunities to purchase the book “We Are Charleston” at the event?

Yes, copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event. The authors will also be present for book signings after the commemorative address.

5. Are there any additional events or activities planned in conjunction with the commemorative address?

Yes, we have organized a panel