R. Kelly’s Bombshell Lawsuit: Alleged Leaked Info to Tasha K Rocks U.S. Bureau of Prisons

R. Kelly Sues U.S. Bureau of Prisons Over Alleged Leaked Info to Tasha K.

R. Kelly Sues U.S. Bureau of Prisons Over Alleged Leaked Info to Tasha K.

Renowned R&B artist R. Kelly has filed a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons and YouTube personality Tasha K, alleging negligence, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. This legal action comes as Kelly appeals his convictions on charges including sex trafficking, child pornography, and racketeering. Let’s delve into the details of this case and its implications.

The Allegations

R. Kelly’s 28-page complaint, filed with the U.S. District Court in Chicago, alleges that numerous Prison Bureau officers accessed his sensitive and confidential information without authorization. According to the lawsuit, a former prison officer shared Kelly’s records with Tasha K, who runs a popular celebrity gossip YouTube channel.

The Lawsuit

Kelly’s lawsuit seeks justice and compensation for the damages caused by the alleged leaks. The singer is pursuing a trial by jury to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions.

Findings of the Investigation

A “secret” investigation conducted by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General found that at least 60 Bureau of Prisons officers accessed and shared Kelly’s sensitive information. One officer, referred to as Officer A, illegally accessed the singer’s records more than 150 times and forwarded them to Tasha K, violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Tasha K’s Role

Tasha K, who has previously faced legal action for defamation, allegedly used the leaked information to harass and create chaos in R. Kelly’s personal life. The YouTube personality shared phone call information, visitor logs, and email communications on her channel, inciting her followers to target the singer.

Kelly’s Emotional Distress

The implications of the leaked information have greatly affected R. Kelly’s emotional well-being. His attorney, Jennifer Bonjean, stated that the violations have made Kelly distrustful of communicating with anyone, including his own legal representation.

Department of Justice’s Response

Despite the Department of Justice’s investigation into the misconduct, no charges were filed against those involved, which prompted Kelly to pursue this lawsuit and seek justice.

The Impact

R. Kelly’s case highlights the importance of protecting the privacy and security of individuals, even those convicted of crimes. The alleged breaches of confidentiality raise concerns about the integrity of prison systems and their ability to safeguard sensitive information.


R. Kelly’s decision to sue the U.S. Bureau of Prisons and Tasha K stems from his assertion that his rights were violated through the unlawful access and dissemination of his personal information. This legal battle not only seeks justice for Kelly but also sheds light on the need to address privacy and security concerns within correctional facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the main allegations in R. Kelly’s lawsuit?

The allegations in R. Kelly’s lawsuit include negligence, invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and unauthorized access to his personal information by Bureau of Prisons officers.

2. Who is Tasha K and what role does she play in this case?

Tasha K is a YouTube personality known for her celebrity gossip channel. She is accused of receiving and utilizing R. Kelly’s leaked information to harass him and create chaos in his personal life.

3. What impact has this situation had on R. Kelly?

The alleged leaks and subsequent harassment have taken a toll on R. Kelly’s emotional well-being. He now struggles with trust and feels uncomfortable communicating with anyone, including his own attorneys.

4. Why did R. Kelly decide to file a lawsuit?

R. Kelly filed a lawsuit to seek justice and hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. He believes that the Department of Justice’s investigation did not sufficiently address the misconduct.

5. What are the broader implications of this case?

This case raises concerns about the protection of personal information within correctional facilities and highlights the importance of safeguarding the privacy rights of individuals, regardless of their legal status.