Megan Fox reveals MeToo struggles in Hollywood – yet unaware of change

Megan Fox, the famous American actress, acknowledged during an interview that she had several MeToo Stories but did not want to share them with the public. Her recent interview with E! discussed her family life and how she balances work with raising three sons. In her usual blunt way, she expressed her views about Hollywood and the false “glamour” people associate with it.

Hollywood treats actors as Commodities

Fox explicitly said that actors are commodities to the studios, and there’s no regard for their physical being or safety. As long as they could get what they want from an actor to get the film they desire, there’s no empathy or kindness shown. She furthered that this attitude perpetuated toxic situations pertaining to actors’ mistreatment in Hollywood

Lack of Individual Concern

Megan added that there’s not much consideration for what’s best for people as individuals. Even if they’re gaining massive amounts of money, they should still be treated respectfully. Actors work long hours, and their lives are scrutinized by everyone. But when they present an exceptional performance, it inspires viewers and makes them connect emotionally to the film or the show.

Backlash After Speaking Up

Unfortunately, actors who bravely speak up about the issues they’re experiencing aren’t always supported. Too often, people ignore them or ridicule them. Women in Hollywood are generally expected to accept whatever they’re given because they aren’t in “real jobs.” But this mindset is incorrect and perpetuates the mistreatment of actors in the industry.

MeToo Movement

Thankfuly, in the era of MeToo, women who speak up aren’t as badly treated these days. The Equal Rights Amendment ratification is another positive sign that Hollywood will no longer be permitted to get away with being horrible to people who bring value to their films. People speaking up when they see something wrong will make a positive difference in the industry.

Moving Beyond Angry Words

As a society, we need to value everyone for the work they do and treat them with respect, no matter what industry they’re in. We must stand up and demand that Hollywood and anyone in power treat people decency. But action speaks louder than words. If we want to help the industry get better, we must show it by our actions and our reactions.

Five ways to be part of the change

  • Support the actors! Watch their movies, TV shows and appreciate their work.
  • Be aware of who you’re supporting. If an actor speaks out against poor treatment, don’t ridicule them.
  • Support projects without actively problematic people in them.
  • Be vocal about bad behavior. Pass It On.
  • Use language that shows respect. Avoid using derogatory or inflammatory words about people’s careers.


Megan Fox’s interview is more reliable now as people are finally listening to the actor speaking out about her experiences in Hollywood. The people in the industry whom Hollywood refers to as commodities deserve better treatment. In the end, it’s the right thing to do as Hollywood has a long way to go to become a better place.


1. What did Meagan Fox say during her interview with E!?

Meagan Fox said that actors are commodities in Hollywood

2. How has the MeToo movement helped women in Hollywood?

The MeToo movement has given women the courage to speak up against the mistreatment they face in Hollywood.

3. What are the five ways to be part of a positive change recommended in the article?

The five ways to be a part of a positive change are 1) supporting the actors’ work 2) been aware of who you’re supporting, 3) supporting projects without problematic people 4), been vocal about bad behavior, and 5) using respectful language.

4. Is Hollywood changing as an industry?

Yes, the industry is changing. But there’s still a long way to go to improve the treatment of its employees.

5. What is the value of treating people decently?

When people are treated decently, their work is more valued and appreciated, creating a happier and more productive employee and contributing to a better outcome for everyone involved.