M87* the biggest black hole of its parent galaxy- Einstein’s General Theory Of Relativity predicted the shadow size of it! Check out for all details.

2019 was the year when the first image of a black hole was formulated by an MIT researcher. A work of several years and inputs of several people and departments, the image was eventually given a face and appearance in a physical sense in April 2019. The image was revolutionary as it was made by the light that was gathered by the telescopes spread over a large area across the globe, on several continents that was only a factor of many things that contributed to making the first image of a black hole. Laws of physics that were described by scientists such as Albert Einstein was taken into consideration while understanding the working and the model of a black hole.


What was the revelations with the image that was made?

The image that was formed had proved several concepts of science such as the general theory of relativity among the others. With a precision of 17%, the law was enforced and stood to hold true. This was something that lit the entire department of astronomy and made scientists jump in excitement due to the fact that something that was not thought of existing at the presence of singularity had taken place and had shown proofs of its existence as well.


This was a fact that shook the world of science and astronomy and gave chills down the spine of people when they realized that it was true. Black Holes had proved something that was thought and only formulated in numerical and mathematical expressions. Every day new discoveries that take place surprise us with the time passing and with new expressions being formed. Let science make the revelations when there exists a state of confusion.